
One of the pillars of geomorphology is the study of geomorphic processes and their drivers, dynamics, and impacts. Like all activity that transfers energy to Earth's surface, a wide range of geomorphic process types create seismic waves that can be measured with standard seismic instruments. Seismic signals provide continuous high-resolution coverage with a spatial footprint that can vary from local to global, and in recent years, efforts to exploit these signals for information about surface processes have increased dramatically, coalescing into the emerging field of environmental seismology. The application of seismic methods has the potential to drive advances in our understanding of the occurrence, timing, and triggering of geomorphic events, the dynamics of geomorphic processes, fluvial bedload transport, and integrative geomorphic system monitoring. As new seismic applications move from development to proof of concept to routine application, integration between geomorphologists and seismologists is key for continued progress.

  • ▪  Geomorphic activity on Earth's surface produces seismic signals that can be measured with standard seismic instruments.
  • ▪  Seismic methods are driving advances in our understanding of the occurrence, triggering, and internal dynamics of a range of geomorphic processes.
  • ▪  Dedicated seismic-based observatories offer the potential to comprehensively characterize geomorphic activity and its impacts across a landscape.
  • ▪  Collaboration between seismologists and geomorphologists is fostering the development of new applications, models, and analysis techniques for geomorphic seismology.


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