
The study of adipose tissue (AT) is enjoying a renaissance. White, brown, and beige adipocytes are being investigated in adult animals, and the critical roles of small depots like perivascular AT are becoming clear. But the most profound revision of the AT dogma has been its cellular composition and regulation. Single-cell transcriptomic studies revealed that adipocytes comprise well under 50% of the cells in white AT, and a substantial portion of the rest are immune cells. Altering the function of AT resident leukocytes can induce or correct metabolic syndrome and, more surprisingly, alter adaptive immune responses to infection. Although the field is dominated by obesity research, conditions such as rapid lipolysis, infection, and heat stress impact AT immune dynamics as well. Recent findings in rodents lead to critical questions that should be explored in domestic livestock as potential avenues for improved animal resilience to stressors, particularly as animals age.


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