
Sexual reproduction is prevalent across diverse taxa. However, sex-determination mechanisms are so diverse that even closely related species often differ in sex-determination systems. Teleost fish is a taxonomic group with frequent turnovers of sex-determining mechanisms and thus provides us with great opportunities to investigate the molecular and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the turnover of sex-determining systems. Here, we compile recent studies on the diversity of sex-determination mechanisms in fish. We demonstrate that genes in the TGF-β signaling pathway are frequently used for master sex-determining (MSD) genes. MSD genes arise via two main mechanisms, duplication-and-transposition and allelic mutations, with a few exceptions. We also demonstrate that temperature influences sex determination in many fish species, even those with sex chromosomes, with higher temperatures inducing differentiation into males in most cases. Finally, we review theoretical models for the turnover of sex-determining mechanisms and discuss what questions remain elusive.


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