
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing sector in food production worldwide. For decades, research on animal physiology, nutrition, and behavior established the foundations of best practices in land-based fish rearing and disease control. Current DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, and data science technologies now allow deep investigations of host-associated microbiomes in a tractable fashion. Adequate use of these technologies can illuminate microbiome dynamics and aid the engineering of microbiome-based solutions to disease prevention in an unprecedented manner. This review examines molecular studies of bacterial diversity, function, and host immunitymodulation at early stages of fish development, where microbial infections cause important economic losses. We uncover host colonization and virulence factors within a synthetic assemblage of fish pathogens using high-end comparative genomics and address the use of probiotics and paraprobiotics as applicable disease-prevention strategies in fish larval and juvenile rearing. We finally propose guidelines for future microbiome research of presumed relevance to fish larviculture.


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