
Newly available high-resolution imaging of solar radio emission at many closely spaced frequencies and times provides new physical insight into the processes, structure, and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. The observational advances have spurred renewed interest in topics dating from the early days of solar radio astronomy and have led to considerable advances in our knowledge. Highlights of recent advances include the following:

  • ▪  Quantitatively measuring the dynamic magnetic field strength, particle acceleration, and hot thermal plasma at the heart of solar flares and hinting at the processes that relate them.
  • ▪  Resolving in space and time the energization and transport of electrons in a wide range of contexts.
  • ▪  Mapping the magnetized thermal plasma structure of the solar chromosphere and corona over a substantial range of heights in active and quiet regions of the Sun.

This review explains why solar radio imaging spectroscopy is so powerful, describes the body of recent results, and outlines the future work needed to fully realize its potential. The application of radio imaging spectroscopy to stars and planets is also briefly reviewed.


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