
Photoacoustic techniques have shown promise in identifying molecular changes in bone tissue and visualizing tissue microstructure. This capability represents significant advantages over gold standards (i.e., dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) for bone evaluation without requiring ionizing radiation. Instead, photoacoustic imaging uses light to penetrate through bone, followed by acoustic pressure generation, resulting in highly sensitive optical absorption contrast in deep biological tissues. This review covers multiple bone-related photoacoustic imaging contributions to clinical applications, spanning bone cancer, joint pathologies, spinal disorders, osteoporosis, bone-related surgical guidance, consolidation monitoring, and transsphenoidal and transcranial imaging. We also present a summary of photoacoustic-based techniques for characterizing biomechanical properties of bone, including temperature, guided waves, spectral parameters, and spectroscopy. We conclude with a future outlook based on the current state of technological developments, recent achievements, and possible new directions.


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