
The Tasmanides occupy the eastern third of Australia and provide an extensive record of the evolution of the eastern Gondwanan convergent plate boundary from the Cambrian to the Triassic. This article presents a summary of the primary building blocks (igneous provinces and sedimentary basins) within the Tasmanides, followed by a discussion of the timing and extent of deformation events. Relatively short episodes of contractional deformation alternated with longer periods of crustal extension accompanied by voluminous magmatism. This behavior was likely controlled by plate boundary migration (trench retreat and advance) that was also responsible for bending and segmentation of the convergent plate margin. As a result, the Tasmanides were subjected to at least three major phases of oroclinal bending, in the Silurian, Devonian, and Permian. The most significant segmentation likely occurred at ∼420–400 Ma along a lithospheric-scale boundary that separated the northern and southern parts of the Tasmanides.


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