
This article describes the childhood of Mike Service, his very early interest in insects, his time at Imperial College, London University, and his career in Nigeria studying the taxonomy and biology of anopheline malaria vectors. On his return to England he became increasingly interested in the ecology and population dynamics of hematophagous insects. After almost eight years undertaking only research, he joined the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, where he was involved in lecturing as well as research and engaged in frequent overseas travel mainly to Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. On retirement he retains an active interest in medical entomology. Although he undertook a considerable amount of taxonomic work on mosquitoes, he believes his most important, and possibly influential, work was introducing ecological methods that were used by agricultural scientists to the study of mosquitoes. For example, the construction of life tables, calculating the percentage mortality of pre-adult mosquitoes, and the identification of predators by serological methods.


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