
Bubbles are present in a large variety of emerging applications, from advanced materials to biology and medicine, as either laser-generated or acoustically driven bubbles. In these applications, the bubbles undergo oscillatory dynamics and collapse inside—or near—soft and biological materials. The presence of a soft, viscoelastic medium strongly affects the bubble dynamics, both its linear resonance properties and its nonlinear behavior. Surfactant molecules or solid particles adsorbed on a bubble surface can also modify the bubble dynamics through the rheological properties of the interfacial layer. Furthermore, the interaction of bubbles with biological cells and tissues is highly dependent on the mechanical properties of these soft deformable media. This review covers recent developments in bubble dynamics in soft and biological matter for different confinement conditions: bubbles in a viscoelastic medium, coated by a viscoelastic layer, or in the vicinity of soft confinement or objects. The review surveys current work in the field and illustrates open questions for future research.

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Erratum: Bubble Dynamics in Soft and Biological Matter

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