
Pulmonary granulomas are widely considered the epicenters of the immune response to (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB). Recent animal studies have revealed factors that either promote or restrict TB immunity within granulomas. These models, however, typically ignore the impact of preexisting immunity on cellular organization and function, an important consideration because most TB probably occurs through reinfection of previously exposed individuals. Human postmortem research from the pre-antibiotic era showed that infections in Mtb-naïve individuals (primary TB) versus those with prior Mtb exposure (postprimary TB) have distinct pathologic features. We review recent animal findings in TB granuloma biology, which largely reflect primary TB. We also discuss our current understanding of postprimary TB lesions, about which much less is known. Many knowledge gaps remain, particularly regarding how preexisting immunity shapes granuloma structure and local immune responses at Mtb infection sites.


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