
Fishing provides the world with an important component of its food supply, but it also negatively impacts the biodiversity of marine and freshwater ecosystems, especially when industrial fishing is involved. To mitigate these impacts, civil society needs access to fisheries data (i.e., catches and catch-derived indicators of these impacts). Such data, however, must be more comprehensive than the official fisheries statistics supplied to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) by its member countries, which shape public policy in spite of their deficiencies, notably underestimating small-scale fisheries. This article documents the creation, based on the geographically coarse FAO data, of a database and website () that provides free reconstructed (i.e., corrected) catch data by ecosystem, country, species, gear type, commercial value, etc., to any interested person, along with catch-derived indicators from 1950 to the near present for the entire world.


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