
Hybrid halide perovskite semiconductors exhibit complex, dynamical disorder while also harboring properties ideal for optoelectronic applications that include photovoltaics. However, these materials are structurally and compositionally distinct from traditional compound semiconductors composed of tetrahedrally coordinated elements with an average valence electron count of silicon. The additional dynamic degrees of freedom of hybrid halide perovskites underlie many of their potentially transformative physical properties. Neutron scattering and spectroscopy studies of the atomic dynamics of these materials have yielded significant insights into their functional properties. Specifically, inelastic neutron scattering has been used to elucidate the phonon band structure, and quasi-elastic neutron scattering has revealed the nature of the uncorrelated dynamics pertaining to molecular reorientations. Understanding the dynamics of these complex semiconductors has elucidated the temperature-dependent phase stability and origins of defect-tolerant electronic transport from the highly polarizable dielectric response. Furthermore, the dynamic degrees of freedom of the hybrid perovskites provide additional opportunities for application engineering and innovation.


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