
We review the theoretical and experimental progress in the Glauber model of multiple nucleon and/or parton scatterings after the last 10–15 years of operation with proton and nuclear beams at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The main developments and the state of the art of the field are summarized. These encompass measurements of the inclusive inelastic proton and nuclear cross sections, advances in the description of the proton and nuclear density profiles and their fluctuations, inclusion of subnucleonic degrees of freedom, experimental procedures and issues related to the determination of the collision centrality, validation of the binary scaling prescription for hard scattering cross sections, and constraints on transport properties of quark–gluon matter from varying initial-state conditions in relativistic hydrodynamics calculations. These advances confirm the validity and usefulness of the Glauber formalism for quantitative studies of quantum chromodynamics matter produced in high-energy collisions of systems, from protons to uranium nuclei, of vastly different size.


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An Error Occurred
Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error