
Contemporary organizations face critical challenges associated with possessing and leveraging leadership capabilities. Researchers studying leadership development have responded to this practical imperative, although research on the topic is still in the early stages of scientific development. In assessing the state of the science in leadership development, we review an array of theoretical and research approaches with the goal of stimulating thoughtful intellectual discourse regarding fundamental questions, such as, what is leadership, and what is development. We highlight the breadth of this phenomenon by reviewing theory and research that has considered the development of leadership in individuals, dyads, and teams/organizations. Additionally, we describe a set of proximal and distal signs that indicate leadership may be developing, and we promote experiences, interventions, and interactions as factors that enhance the leadership development process.

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Developing Your Leaders: Linking Short-Term Change to Long-Term Success

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    Developing Your Leaders: Linking Short-Term Change to Long-Term Success

    Leading Leadership Research: A Framework for Research and Practice

    What Can Leadership Development Do for Your Organization?

    Lessons for Leadership Scholars: Where Can You Take Your Research?

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