
This essay provides a summary of my professional activities. My interest in renal physiology started as a medical student in Vienna, when I became acquainted with Homer Smith's essays on kidney function. After moving to the United States in 1951, I was fortunate to be mentored by Robert Pitts, in whose Department of Physiology at Cornell Medical College in New York I was given early independence, intellectual stimulation, and the opportunity to pursue experiments on single renal tubules. The problem of how the nephron manages its myriad of transport functions has never lost its fascination for me, and I am profoundly grateful to the many colleagues at Cornell Medical College and at Yale University School of Medicine who shared my passion for the kidney.

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My Career in Science: Gerhard Giebisch

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Dr. Peter S. Aronson interviewed Dr. Gerhard H. Giebisch on April 23, 2008, for the American Physiological Society's (APS's) Living History Project. The video, titled "My Career in Science," is an autobiographical interview detailing Dr. Giebisch's life as a scientist. Video posted with permission from the American Physiological Society.

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