
▪ Abstract 

Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on solution-processible polymeric as well as small molecular semiconductors have shown impressive improvements in their performance during recent years. These devices have been developed to realize low-cost, large-area electronic products. This review gives an overview of the materials’ aspect, charge-transport, and device physics of OFETs, focusing mainly on the organic semiconductor and organic dielectric materials and their mutual interface. Recent developments in the understanding of the relationship between microstructure and charge transport, the influence of processing techniques, and gate dielectric are reviewed. Comparative data of charge-carrier mobility of most organic semiconductors have been compiled. Ambipolar charge transport in OFETs and its applications to integrated circuits as well as ambipolar light-emitting transistors are also reviewed. Many interesting questions regarding how the molecular and electronic structures at the interface of the organic semiconductor and organic insulator influence device performance and stability remain to be explored.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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