
Protein synthesis consumes a large fraction of available resources in the cell. When bacteria encounter unfavorable conditions and cease to grow, specialized mechanisms are in place to ensure the overall reduction of costly protein synthesis while maintaining a basal level of translation. A number of ribosome-associated factors are involved in this regulation; some confer an inactive, hibernating state of the ribosome in the form of 70S monomers (RaiA; this and the following are based on nomenclature) or 100S dimers (RMF and HPF homologs), and others inhibit translation at different stages in the translation cycle (RsfS, YqjD and paralogs, SRA, and EttA). Stationary phase cells therefore exhibit a complex array of different ribosome subpopulations that adjusts the translational capacity of the cell to the encountered conditions and ensures efficient reactivation of translation when conditions improve. Here, we review the current state of research regarding stationary phase-specific translation factors, in particular ribosome hibernation factors and other forms of translational regulation in response to stress conditions.


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