
The Klaenhammer group at North Carolina State University pioneered genomic applications in food microbiology and beneficial lactic acid bacteria used as starter cultures and probiotics. Dr. Todd Klaenhammer was honored to be the first food scientist elected to the National Academy of Sciences (2001). The program was recognized with the highest research awards presented by the American Dairy Science Association (Borden Award 1996), the Institute of Food Technologists (Nicholas Appert Medal, 2007), and the International Dairy Federation (Eli Metchnikoff Award in Biotechnology, 2010) as well as with the Outstanding Achievement Award from the University of Minnesota (2001) and the Oliver Max Gardner Award (2009) for outstanding research across the 16-campus University of North Carolina system. Dr. Klaenhammer is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Dairy Science Association, and the Institute of Food Technology. Over his career, six of his PhD graduate students were awarded the annual Kenneth Keller award for the outstanding PhD dissertation that year in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He championed the use of basic microbiology and genomic approaches to set a platform for translational applications of beneficial microbes in foods and their use in food preservation and probiotics and as oral delivery vehicles for vaccines and biotherapeutics. Dr. Klaenhammer was also a founding and co-chief editor of the .


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Literature Cited

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