
Given the increasing understanding of cancer as a heterogeneous group of diseases, detection methods should offer a sensitivity profile that ensures perfect sensitivity for biologically important cancers while screening out self-limiting pseudocancers. However, mammographic screening is biased toward detection of ductal carcinoma in situ and slowly growing cancers—and thus frequently fails to detect biologically aggressive cancers. This explains the persistently high rates of interval cancers and high rates of breast cancer mortality observed in spite of decades of mammographic screening. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in contrast, has a sensitivity profile that matches clinical needs. Conventional MRI is not suitable for population-wide screening due to high cost, limited tolerability, and lack of availability. We introduced abbreviated MRI in 2014. Abbreviated MRI will change the way MRI is used in clinical medicine. This article describes the rationale to use MRI in general, and abbreviated MRI in particular, for breast cancer screening.


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