
Predisposition results from abiotic stresses occurring prior to infection that affect susceptibility of plants to disease. The environment is seldom optimal for plant growth, and even mild, episodic stresses can predispose plants to inoculum levels they would otherwise resist. Plant responses that are adaptive in the short term may conflict with those for resisting pathogens. Abiotic and biotic stress responses are coordinated by complex signaling networks involving phytohormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Abscisic acid (ABA) is a global regulator in stress response networks and an important phytohormone in plant-microbe interactions with systemic effects on resistance and susceptibility. However, extensive cross talk occurs among all the phytohormones during stress events, and the challenge is discerning those interactions that most influence disease. Identifying convergent points in the stress response circuitry is critically important in terms of understanding the fundamental biology that underscores the disease phenotype as well as translating research to improve stress tolerance and disease management in production systems.


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