
It is becoming increasingly clear that a large repertoire of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are actively transcribed from the mammalian genome, regulating diverse cellular processes in development and diseases through a variety of gene regulatory mechanisms. As the most extensively studied ncRNA species, microRNAs (miRNAs) are important components in the oncogene and tumor suppressor network, and have been employed as potential biomarkers, therapeutic reagents, and therapeutic targets for cancer treatment. Other ncRNAs, particularly long noncoding RNAs, also have a profound impact on cancer development, as demonstrated in both mouse and human tumor models. We are only starting to understand the realm of ncRNA biology, and the exact molecular mechanisms governing ncRNA functions remain largely unexplored. With numerous ncRNAs discovered through high-throughput approaches, understanding their functions in malignant transformation will be one of the most exciting challenges in cancer research.


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