
Controversy exists over ecological risks in classical biological control. We reviewed 10 projects with quantitative data on nontarget effects. Ten patterns emerged: () Relatives of the pest are most likely to be attacked; () host-specificity testing defines physiological host range, but not ecological range; () prediction of ecological consequences requires population data; () level of impact varied, often in relation to environmental conditions; () information on magnitude of nontarget impact is sparse; () attack on rare native species can accelerate their decline; () nontarget effects can be indirect; () agents disperse from agroecosystems; () whole assemblages of species can be perturbed; and () no evidence on adaptation is available in these cases. The review leads to six recommendations: Avoid using generalists or adventive species; expand host-specificity testing; incorporate more ecological information; consider ecological risk in target selection; prioritize agents; and pursue genetic data on adaptation. We conclude that retrospective analyses suggest clear ways to further increase future safety of biocontrol.


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